Create Your Universe.

Welcome to Frequencies Of Creation, a vessel through which the powerful teachings flow, guiding you through the intricacies of the Law of Attraction, the art of manifestation, and the profound influence of thought and imagination.

Why We?

At Frequencies Of Creation, we serve as your compass to navigating the universal laws, as taught by the inspiring work of many teachers. This is a haven for seekers, dreamers, and creators who are eager to learn how to harness the energy of their thoughts to shape their reality and attract the abundance that is their birthright.


  • Dr. Wayne Dyer

    Dr. Wayne Dyer was an internationally renowned author, speaker, and pioneer in the field of self-development. Dr. Dyer's teachings promote a philosophy of self-reliance and self-creation. His work was heavily influenced by the principles of self-actualization and the potential for individuals to manifest their destinies through the power of intention. He believed that the key to success lies within our own thoughts and that by changing the way we think, we can profoundly alter our lives. One of Dr. Dyer's most influential ideas was the "power of intention." Dyer redefined intention as a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place. He proposed that this force is something that we all are a part of, and that aligning with this force can allow us to live a more purposeful and fulfilled life.

  • Abraham Hicks

    Esther Hicks is an inspirational speaker and author who, together with her late husband Jerry Hicks, has brought forward the spiritual messages and teachings of a group of non-physical entities known as "Abraham." Described by Esther as "infinite intelligence," Abraham communicates through her, offering guidance and wisdom on the nature of our being and the universe. The central tenet of Esther Hicks' teachings revolves around the Law of Attraction. According to Abraham-Hicks, by understanding and applying this law, individuals can deliberately create their own reality.

  • Louise Hay

    Louise Hay was a motivational author and the founder of Hay House. Louise Hay's philosophy is centered around the power of affirmations and positive thinking, which she believed could lead to positive changes in one's life, including improved health and wellness. Her approach combined metaphysical beliefs with practical strategies, promoting the idea that mental patterns and beliefs can have a direct impact on physical health and overall wellbeing. Her teachings focus on the importance of love and self-acceptance, which she saw as the foundations of healing. Hay argued that almost all problems could be traced back to a lack of self-love and self-acceptance. She emphasized that by changing our thoughts and attitudes, we can change our experiences and heal our lives.

Frequencies Of Creation

Frequencies Of Creation

Here, you will discover an array of resources tailored to enrich your understanding and application of these universal principles:

Thought-Provoking Videos:

Immerse yourself in our collection of carefully curated video content from our YouTube channels, each one infused with the wisdom, designed to elevate your mindset and awaken your potential.

Personal Growth Resources:

Gain access to an assortment of manifestation guides, courses, and audio recordings that serve as your personal toolkit for transformation and self-discovery.

Community Engagement:

Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals where you can share experiences, insights, and encouragement. Together, we foster an environment of growth and mutual support.

Frequencies Of Creation is more than a website—it's a journey towards self-empowerment and enlightenment. It's where you align with the universe's frequency, tapping into the boundless energy that propels you towards your desires. Let's embark on this path of limitless possibilities.


Billionaire Brainwave Ritual

A simple at-home ritual. Studied by scientists in four Neuroscience labs that manifest abundance. “Every man and woman should know this”

Wealth DNA Code

Humans only use about 8% of their DNA. Once you realize what's going on with the other 92% of your DNA… You’ll understand that everything you’ve been taught about building wealth and making money has been dead wrong.